Extend Yourself Grace
No one is perfect. Repeat after me, no one is perfect. You're going to mess up, say the wrong thing or make a mistake. The goal is to be genuine. Authentically you. Be human, be real. Because the real you is perfect.
Mess up, but don't let yourself feel bad. It's OK to admit you were wrong, but don't let the guilt eat you alive. Guilt is an ugly monster that will never leave if you don't let it. Practice letting things go that are out of your control. Remind yourself that these feelings are temporary. Just because you had a bad day doesn't mean you have a bad life.
Give yourself permission to not do everything. Unless you have a cape and can fly, you're not a superhero. It is OK to not be able to fit it all onto one place - especially during the chaotic/stressful holiday season. Make a list of things you have to do and fold it in half. Do one half and the other half another day.
There’s a reason the airlines tell you to put your oxygen on first. Self-care is not self-indulgence; it’s self-preservation. Time for yourself doesn’t have to take a lot of time and cost money. Allow a splurge for something you’ve been desiring, read a book when you have a laundry list of emails, or take a break from the everyday. Know that you have permission to say no - and not feel bad about it.
Do one thing a day you’re proud of. Maybe that's facing a fear, perfecting a hobby or trying a new food, be proud of yourself more often. When you are feeling pride, or satisfaction with yourself, you're more positive and more apt to share positivity with others around you. You'll be healthy, confident and successful.
Taking a moment to appreciate the things you enjoy is an act of self-care. Looking at Christmas lights, taking a bath, not listening to music in the car, walking around the block, looking up into the sky, smell flowers, etc. Pay attention to those little things that we don’t always acknowledge that bring us renewing emotions.
Replenish yourself with external reminders of your awesomeness. Write a positive statement or quote on sticky notes and place them in random areas in your environment. Use a dry erase marker to write something encouraging on your bathroom mirror. Speak kind, loving words to yourself out loud or in your mind.
Many situations and events can be energy depleting. When we learn more about those stressors and how they impact us, we can start to change how we handle them. More importantly, we can start to notice and appreciate the simple things that actually replenish and rejuvenate us.
Please reach out via telephone, email, or website contact form. I look forward to hearing from you!
Tel: 209.480.2714
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