When life gets tough and you're faced with defeat, remember somewhere a flower is growing through concrete.
Have you ever been so completely caught in the moment that time almost stands still? Your brain disengages from all the worries and troubles you may be feeling and for that brief moment you are at complete peace? I have had this happen throughout my life and hadn’t given it much thought until I started to do more work with helping people regulate their nervous systems after moments of stress and overwhelm.
I can recall the first time I saw the Grand Canyon in person. As I stood at the edge, I was completely speechless. No pictures had done justice to the vastness of this amazing place. I think about the sun rising as the first light breaks through and the beauty that unfolds in the next moments as the colors deepen and reflect off the clouds. Not to mention the peace I feel each time I am sitting on the beach listening to the waves crash, smelling the salty air, while the sand is under my feet.
These are moments in time that can create the feeling of awe. A sense of amazement and respect. Awe encourages a sense of belonging, decreases daily stress and stress-related symptoms, increases well-being in daily life satisfaction, and is associated with compassion, gratitude, optimism, joy, and love. In the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, awe can restore balance within ourselves to help us show up the way we desire in life.
The A.W.E. Method is a mindfulness practice that involves utilizing your senses to fully experience awe in everyday moments. When you allow your sense of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell to combine with imagination you are enhancing your overall well-being by bringing in small doses of mindfulness throughout your day..
It's a simple, three-step process that can be done in as little as 5 to 15 seconds:
Attention: Turn your full and undivided attention on things you appreciate, value, or find amazing.
Wait: Slow down and pause; at least for one inhalation.
Exhale and Expand: Take a full breath out and amplify whatever sensations you are experiencing.
In 2020, Amster and Eagle conducted The A.W.E. Study and learned that those who used this form of meditation 10-15 seconds 3-5 per day had improved their stress, loneliness, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, burnout, emotional wellbeing, and mindfulness.
While many experience awe in special moments—witnessing the beauty of nature, for example, or holding an infant for the first time—the feeling of awe can be a part of everyday life and offers physical and emotional benefits. Even a few seconds of mindful appreciation, can derail the body's stress response, moving it into “rest and digest” mode.
Practices for Cultivating Awe
Admire Nature Around You
At points in your day take notice of nature around you. Watch a sunrise or sunset, look at the colors of the leaves in the trees, the sound of wind in the trees, listening to the birds chirping, watching the birds fly in the sky, the cloud formations, the smell of rain, the soft rumble of thunder, the beauty and perfume of flowers, the pinecones in the trees, hummingbirds flying by, praying mantis emerging from camouflage, ladybugs and butterflies…all around you there is nature just waiting for you to pause and notice.
Watching Movement
Become aware of movement in your environment. Stand or sit quietly and begin to watch. Simply observe the movement. Maybe this is the movement of trees, grasses, flowers, water, clouds, birds, insects, animals, and people. The flow of vehicles in traffic. The rhythm of things around you. Notice that there is a flow and pulse to life.
Take a Moment with Your Pet
Slow down and be present with your pet. Snuggle or lie down next to your beloved pet. Slowly extend your hand to their foot or face. Fully take in this sweet moment and gentle connection. Lay there for a while. Notice your breath. Notice the pace of their breath compared to your own.
Connection with a Fellow Human
Next time you find yourself standing in line, begin to consider this as a gift of space and time in your busy life, and choose gratitude. Imagine breathing from your heart, take a deep breath, and begin to notice the scene around you. Look around for people, with whom you can connect, perhaps the person behind or in front of you. For only a moment, allow yourself to have eye contact with this other human being—who’s also been given the gift of time to stand in line.
Eye Contact with a Loved One
Gaze into the eyes of a loved one or friend. Make loving eye contact - being face to face or across the room.. See them for everything they are. Admire their eyes, their face, and their features. Smile with your eyes. In your mind, speak to them with loving words. Take a deep breath and appreciate the relationship you have created together. Be present, fully with them. Notice how it feels.
Music and Movement
Listening to music is a way to wake up our senses and make us feel more alive. When we take in the music and let our body move itself to the rhythm, the music can express itself through our bodies. Choose a song that you love. Stand with closed eyes. Begin to breathe in the music. Don’t move, first just feel the rhythm. Then let the music move your body from the inside out. Sense the music in your belly, in your heart, neck, arms and legs.
Think of a person who is important to you. They may be living or deceased. Take time to create a clear picture of that person, maybe a particular memory or scene that captures their essence. Tap into your full senses to imagine fully. Hold the image in your mind, give it your full attention. Take time to appreciate this person. Consider what they mean to you, what you learned from them, or how you grew as a result of knowing them. How do they make you feel? Feel that now and allow it to fill you up
Although this seems like a basic activity we do without much thought, this time can be spent with purpose. Allow yourself to stand in the water and notice how it feels touching your skin. Breathe in deeply the steam with your eyes closed pausing at the top of your breath before you release a giant exhale through your mouth. Notice the sounds of the water as they hit the surface of the floor. Add in scents that take you to moments in your life that bring you joy.
As with all exercises, the more we practice and are purposeful with noticing moments of awe, the easier it will be to identify them thus allowing us to get better with stress in our lives.
Life comes with trials and tribulations, to show up the way we want to handle them, we need to be proactive in taking care of ourselves. Acknowledging moments that move us, make us say aww, and remember the feeling of amazement help us become more resilient and thrive in life's challenges.
What are your awe moments?